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About Our Charity

At Indonesia Technology Waqf Foundation, we believe in harnessing the power of technology to create a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Our dedicated team brings together a diverse range of expertise, from seasoned IT entrepreneurs and directors to esteemed scholars and professionals, united by a common goal: to leverage technology for the betterment of society.


At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, waqf just in the form of land and well. Nowadays waqf practice has evolved to many kind of waqf, especiallay productive waqf. Assets that are beneficial to society are not only in the form of land or water but also technoogy in the form of machines or tools that are useful for facilitating activities. The machines/tools do not use just mechanic parts but also software to control/manage it. The machines/tools with its technology must be maintained and developed so its benefit can be long lasting to the society Technology Waqf is like Land Waqf, donors endow the technology or donors give the results of technology. This technology must not be sold, may not be granted and should not be inherited, but the results are used for the benefit of Allah As there is no organization that will act as nazir waqf who take care of technology asset like computer servers, production machine, softwares, etc, then some professionals and moslem organization leader form a foundation named indonesia technology waqf foundation

Most important Causes

We are a non-profital & Charity raising money for supporting ummah through technology

Center for Islamic Artificial Intelligence Studies

Raised : $. 0 / $1M

Developing an Organization for Research and development of artificial intelligence products that will help the ummah's economy

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A model of sophisticated Islamic Boarding School

Raised : $0 / $1M

A school that implement best concept of education that optimized artificial intelligence capabilities

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Breakthrough system to ease the umra/hajj

Raised : $0 / $3M

Developing a system that integrates systems in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia for Umrah and Hajj purposes

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Our Achievementns in Numbers

We can talk for a long time about advantages of our efforts before other social organization But you can read the following facts in order to make sure of all pluses of our organization:








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